Group Exercise Survey

UFC GYM OMAN Group Exercise Class Survey

    1. Would you attend Group Exercise classes held on the weekend?

    2. What Group Exercise classes do you participate in? (Check all that apply)

    3. What types of classes would you like to see added to the schedule?

    4. When choosing a group exercise class which of the following factors is most important?

    5. What other Fitness/Wellness programs would you be interested in?

    6. From your participation in Group Exercise, do you feel you have increased or improved your:

    7. Please share any suggestions or feedback to help us ?

    Our SIgnature Classes

    (Daily Ultimate Training Program)

    UFC GYM’s signature high-intensity interval training boot camp designed to consistently shock your system and deliver results.


    Mixed martial arts is a full-contact combat sport based on striking, grappling and ground fighting, incorporating techniques from various combat sports from around the world.

    Youth ClasseS

    Focus on coordination, speed, agility, strength and other performance benefits while having fun in a range of specialized Youth Classes.

    Ladies Only Classes

    Have fun while mixing your interval training, body weight exercises, and strength training!

    Start Your Membership Experience Today!

    Each membership provides full access to the facilities and equipment

    Group exercise classes



    Our Locations

    Location #1

    Seeb St, Mawalah South, Muscat Oman

    Contact : 22063836

    Hotline: 80008888

    Location #2

    Mall Of Oman, Level 1
    Next to AMH, Muscat, Oman

    Contact: 77297832

    Hotline: 80008888


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